Getting Started

Installation and Initialization


Getting Started


The latest release is available on Maven Central and on GitHub.

Snapshot builds are also available.

Add the dependency to your module-level Gradle Build file


Smile Config

Place the smile_config.json file under your application's assets, located at src/main/assets (This should be at the same level as your java and res directories)

⚠️ Note: You may need to create this directory if it does not already exist


Initialize the Smile ID SDK in your Application class' onCreate

You may need to create an Application class for your app, if one doesn't already exist


import com.smileidentity.SmileID

class ExampleApplication : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {

Callback URL

To set the callback URL used for jobs (to deliver results to your own server), use the setCallbackUrl method


Environments (Sandbox/Production)

To switch between Sandbox and Production you should initialize using SmileID.initialize(context = this, useSandbox = false) or SmileID.initialize(context = this, useSandbox = true).


The latest Javadocs can be found here


All Products are implemented using Jetpack Compose and therefore exposed as Composable functions. This is the encouraged usage pattern.

If your application employs the traditional View-based approach, then we also expose based wrappers around the Composables. You should use getSupportFragmentManager().setFragmentResultListener(...) to listen for results. Examples are provided for each product.


The product screens will handle performing all network requests for you. However, it is also possible to make REST API calls directly via SmileID.api. Please refer to the Javadoc for further details.

Checking Job Status

Use SmileID.api.pollSmartSelfieJobStatus, SmileID.api.pollDocVJobStatus, or SmileID.api.pollBiometricKycJobStatus to poll a given Job's status until it is complete.

It is implemented using Kotlin Flows, which will emit a response for every poll attempt made.

You must handle and catch errors within your own Flow collection.

The delay and number of attempts is configurable.

Alternatively, you may use SmileID.api.getSmartSelfieJobStatus, SmileID.api.getDocVJobStatus, or SmileID.api.getBiometricKycJobStatus to perform a one-off job status check.

Crash Reporting

Crash reporting is enabled by default. Only crashes caused by Smile Identity will be reported. This will not interfere with any other crash reporting you may be doing.

It can optionally be disabled by calling SmileIDCrashReporting.disable() at runtime or by passing false at initialization (Not Recommended)

Please refer to the Javadoc on SmileIDCrashReporting for further details.


All resource identifiers defined by the SDK are prefixed by si_ so as to prevent naming clashes with your application resources. You may override any resource value -- for further information, see Customization

Last updated