Consent Screen

The screen is instantiated as a dialog on top of your app so it is important to take this into consideration if you have any navigation that is expected and whether to show it from a view controller or from a navigation controller

Show the screen

  1. The below snippet will show the consent dialog

 SIDConsentManager.Builder(tag: <String>
  ,partnerLogo: <UIImage>
  ,partnerName: <String>
  ,privacyPolicyUrl: <String>)
  .setDelegate(delegate: self)
  • tag <STRING>This is important that it matches the same tag which may have been or will be used to capture the selfie and or id card document as it will determine if the job will be submitted or not when consent is required for the id type

  • partnerLogo <UIImage> This is a bitmap typically the app icon, so the user is familiar with what they will finally see which the SDK will present on the consent screen

  • partnerName <STRING>This is the company name that will be presented on the consent screen

  • privacyPolicyUrl <STRING> This is a link to a valid web page that contains your company's privacy policy the user can click this and view the privacy policy.

  • delegate This is an instance of the protocol SIDConsentManagerDelegate

    has two methods decline and approve which means the user has declined or approved your consent request.

  • start() This method will finally show the view controller.

The SDK has prebuilt screens to request consent from a user before running a job with the BVN ID Type.

The screen is instantiated as a screen so it is important to take this into consideration if you have any navigation that is expected and whether to show it from a view controller or a navigation controlller

Show the consent when ready

SIDConsentManager.Builder(tag: <String>
  ,partnerLogo: <String>
  ,bundleId: <String>
  ,partnerName: <String>
  ,privacyPolicyUrl: <String>
  ,environment: <Boolean>
  ,bvnDelegate: <BVNConsentResultDelegate>)
  .setCountry(country: "NG")
  .setIdType(idType: "BVN_MFA")

If ENVIRONMENT is set to false (for sandbox), enter the following on the screen for BVN and OTP: BVN: 00000000000 OTP: 000000 Any other BVN or OTP will return invalid errors



This is a local unique job identifier which you can use to identify the end to end process for this job which should be an alphanumeric string


The bundle identifier of the logo image


Can be BVN or BVN_MFA the user will be shown BVN as the id type they are consenting to


The company name to be shown to the user


A valid url to your company's privacy policy


true for production and false for sandbox


An instance of a class that conforms to BVNConsentResultDelegate


The file name of the company logo to be displayed


An instance of the listener of type BVNConsentResult that will get the callback results as per the user actions and api results the interface is defined for

  1. onError This will return an error with the tag and the error instance with a code and a message for the reason

func onError(tag:String ,bvnConsentError:BVNConsentError );

Possible ERROR_VALUE are



  • CONFIG_ERROR_CANNOT_LAUNCH Error with your configuration please check documentation

  • USER_INPUT_DECLINED User declined consent summary

  • NETWORK_ERROR A network error occurred

  • AUTH_SMILE_ERROR An error occurred with auth smile

  • INIT_CONSENT_ERROR An error occurred after inputing the BVN number this may be the user entered an invalid BVN error or there was a connection issue whilst initiating consent

  • CONTACT_METHOD_ERROR An error occurred after selecting the mode (sms/email) or the user clicked this is likely a network or server error

  • CONTACT_METHODS_INVALID_ERROR An error occurred because the presented mode of confirmation are no longer valid for the user so they clicked these are invalid

  • CONFIRM_CONSENT_ERROR An error occurred during OTP validation

  1. onSuccess This will return a success with a tag identifier, the entered bvnNumber and the sessionId to be used when submitting a job as identified in the product you are running by adding a session_id key. with the value returned as sessionid as part of the SIDUserIdInfo

func onSuccess(tag:String , bvnNumber:String ,sessionId:String );

This will present the below screens and If at any point the screens encounter an api or user error these are dismissed and will return the respective result viea the BVNConsentError callback

BVN Number Screen

BVN Mode Selection Screen

BVN OTP Screen

Last updated