Document Verification

Perform a Document Verification Job

Document Verification is exposed as a flow which performs the following high level steps:

  1. Displays instructions to the user

  2. Requests camera permissions (if not already granted)

  3. Performs Document Capture

  4. Performs Selfie Capture

  5. Submits the job to the Smile ID API

  6. Delivers the result back to the caller

The screen is exposed as a Flutter Widget which you can incorporate into your app as follows:

    countryCode: "GH",
    // There are more parameters -- they correspond 1:1 with the native SDK parameters
    onSuccess: (String? result) {
        // Your success handling logic
    onError: (String errorMessage) {
        // Your error handling logic

On success, you will receive a JSON string following the structure:

  "selfieFile":  "<path to selfie file>",
  "documentFrontFile": "<path to document front file>",
  "documentBackFile":  null | "<path to document back file>",
  "jobStatusResponse": {
    "timestamp": "...",
    "jobComplete": true | false,
    "jobSuccess":  true | false,
    "code": "",
    "result": null | {
      "actions": {},
      "resultCode": "...",
      "resultText": "...",
      "smileJobId": "...",
      "partnerParams": {},
      "country": null | "...",
      "idType": null | "...",
      "idNumber": null | "...",
      "fullName":null | "...",
      "dob": null | "...",
      "gender": null | "...",
      "expirationDate": null | "...",
      "documentImageBase64":null | "...",
      "phoneNumber": null | "...",
      "phoneNumber2": null | "...",
      "address": null | "..."
    "history": null | [],
    "imageLinks":  null | {
      "selfieImageUrl": "...",
      "error": "..."

Last updated